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Emir Limam – E11 Group B.V. Netherlands – Fraudster


Emir Limam - E11 nutrition & supplements b.v Fraudster Warning. Meet Emir Limam from the Netherlands, He trades as E11 Group B.V. and also Nutrition & Supplements B.V. or E11 nutrition & supplements b.v He did also trade as E11...

When to Take a Test After Covid Exposure?


Even though measures like physical distancing and wearing a mask are essential for staying safe from the novel coronavirus, getting exposed to the virus is inevitable. You may have come in contact with someone who has tested positive, or you...

A Rapid Antigen Test vs a Lateral Flow Test for Covid-19


The advent of Covid-19 has caused an unprecedented shift in how we interact with one another. To stay safe, it is vital to have access to accurate and reliable testing methods that can detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 quickly and...

What Makes a Lateral Flow Test Positive?


A lateral flow test (LFT) is a type of Covid-19 diagnostic test used to detect certain antibodies in saliva or other body fluids. It is a quick and easy way to determine if an individual is infected with the virus....

How Do I Prove a Negative Lateral Flow Test?


If you’re traveling abroad, you may need to show proof of a negative lateral flow test. A lateral flow test, also called a rapid antigen test, is an easy-to-use COVID-19 test that gives results in under 30 minutes. Notably, COVID-19...

What Should I Do if My Covid-19 Test Is Inconclusive


If you have just gotten an inconclusive Covid-19 test, you may be wondering what it means and the next step you should take. Also, you may want to know - what does an inconclusive Covid test look like? There are...

How to Get Free Lateral Flow Test Kits?


Free lateral flow device tests are no longer available for everyone in the UK.  However, some specific groups of people can still get this test for free. If you are one of the people eligible for a free lateral flow...

How to Do a Lateral Flow Test on a Child?


If your child has Covid-19 symptoms such as a high temperature, a continuous cough or a loss of sense of taste or smell, they may need to get tested. Other reasons why a child might need to take a Covid-19...

How to Do a Lateral Flow Test on a Child?


If your child has Covid-19 symptoms such as a high temperature, a continuous cough or a loss of sense of taste or smell, they may need to get tested. Other reasons why a child might need to take a Covid-19...

Can You Use a Lateral Flow Test for a 2-Year-Old?


As the winter months roll on, it becomes increasingly difficult to protect our little ones from the various infections, flu, and colds that circulate during this season. The added uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic only adds to the stress, as...

How Long Do Lateral Flow Test Results Take?


Lateral flow tests, also known as rapid antigen tests, allow individuals to know about an active infection without needing laboratory processing. However, one question many people have is how long do results take for a lateral flow test. This article...

How Does an Antigen Test Work for Travelling?


As the world slowly returns to normality after the tumultuous period of lockdowns and travel bans caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, testing for the virus has become mandatory for travelling between states and countries.  While some countries only accept the...

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